Monday, July 12, 2010

4 Month Update

Well, we had our 4-month old well-baby visit today...

Leila weighs 13 pounds, 13 ounces, and is 24.8 inches long. For her weight, she is in the 50th percentile, and she is in the 75th percentile for her length.

She permanently sleeps in her crib, now. We've had 2 days without crying... at naptime or at night. She does still fuss some when she's put down, but she doesn't scream any more. (Yea!)

She can yell really well (and not just for crying - sometimes just for fun)

She is on a pretty consistent sleep schedule, with 2 naps each day and a bedtime of 7-7:30 at night. (Sometimes this makes her daddy sad because there are nights when he works his extra jobs that he doesn't get to see her before she goes to sleep. But, being the good daddy that he is, he understands that a Leila who sleeps well is a happy Leila.) She usually wakes up around 1 a.m. to eat, and then again around 5 or 5:30 when she'll go back to sleep until 7:30/8. So, after a few very restless/sleepless days, we're doing much better.

We were pretty sure we'd be coming home from the doctor's office with the go-ahead to start feeding Leila rice cereal (I already bought some over a week ago in anticipation), but the doctor said that new studies are showing that there are health benefits to waiting until 6 months... even for the cereal. She made it clear that it is our decision, but we, of course, want to do what's in Leila's best interest. So, even though Leila grabs the syringe and puts it in her mouth in order to drink her vitamins, it looks like we'll still be waiting on the cereal.

On the other hand, we were told that it is now a good idea to use an exersaucer. So, I'm going to be on the lookout for one! If anybody has any ideas on which ones seem to be the favorites or a place that I can get a good one at a good price, I'd love to hear about it.

She seems to respond to her name. Often, when I call her, she will turn and look at me. She doesn't always do it, but she does do it often enough that she has me convinced.

She's very good at grabbing things and is really enjoying plaing with some of her toys.

She loves bumbo time.

She still hates tummy time.

She inconsistently rolls from her tummy to her back.

She consistently tries to roll from her back to her tummy.
Sometimes, in her crib, she will try to roll over, but her "noggin nest" pillow gets in her way (not to mention the side of the crib!) and she doesn't make it, so she settles for sleeping on her side. I think we will soon be removing the bumper pads from her crib. :(

She seems to like singing. When I sing to her, she often either smiles at me or starts making noises back at me. I like to think she's singing, too. :)

1 comment:

  1. She's growing up so fast. It seems like we've been gone for months. I'm still VERY excited about Italy, but my excitement about coming home grows everyday

