Saturday, June 26, 2010


On Thursday, Leila met another new friend. Her name is Ashley and she is one of Aunt Danielle's very best friends.

That night, Leila finally got those crazy feet into her mouth! She's done it before, but she's always been sitting up and leaning over onto her feet. This time, she did it the traditional way.
Here are videos of her achievement.
Video 1
Video 2

I also took pictures, trying to capture her "praying" with her feet. She puts both feet together, just like praying hands! This is the best I could do.
That girl uses those feet like little hands. My arm has received several hugs from those little things.

Here we are, having a bath-time conversation. Not to mention, a bath-time snack.
Not quite sure what sounds was being made by this face!


Our air conditioner hasn't been working well since it's been so hot outside, so we've had fans going during the day and at night, but it still hasn't quite gotten cool, especially in our room. But, recently, we had the air looked at and found out it needs quite a bit of work, but that there were also some holes in the ducts in the attic that were allowing super-hot attic air to get in. Ryan went up into the attic and covered those holes this week, and we've been able to tell a little bit of a difference, especially at night. So, Leila has gone from wearing onesies and socks to wearing pants to bed the last few days. I thought her ensemble Thursday night was picture-worthy.
See our new boppy cover here? It's a pretty green and blue. We love it!

Leila wakes up most mornings, now, and just hangs out in her hushamok, talking to herself. She has recently discovered that she can get her feet out of it, and this is how Ryan found her hanging out Friday morning.

    Since Leila's 4-month birthday is quickly approaching, we've noticed some differences in her. She no longer naps on me as well as she used to. In fact, after about an hour, she usually wakes up. She also seems to be getting sleepy earlier at night. So, I've started a little early with the sleep training. We've been putting her to bed when she seems tired at night (9:30 on Tuesday night, 8:20 on Wednesday - as opposed to the 10:30/11 it used to be) and I think it's going to get earlier still, because she still seems a bit tired during the day. 
    I've also started putting her into her hushamok to take her naps. There have been some tears with that, but it usually doesn't last very long. I've been doing it for the last 3 days, and yesterday has been the best so far. She's sleeping in her hushamok now, and napping well. Now, we're just trying to get her naps on a schedule. Every day I feel successful as we make progress. 
    We have plans to move her to her big girl bed at 4 months. (It makes me sad just thinking about it!) I think that schedule is right on time. Check out this video.

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