Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Sorry, folks. No video today. I finally got some pictures up and I'll try and get the video up tomorrow.

Take a look at swimtime #2 from Wednesday night. This time we pulled out one of Leila's rubber duckies to join her.

We were surprised to see that Ella was quick to join her! She was interested in the toy, but the water didn't seem to deter her at all.

Wednesday night, I also went ahead and finished Leila's haircut, just cleaning it up a bit.
Here is what I took off of her little 11-week-old-head...
And, here are her "after" pictures...

Here she is after her bath. She really likes her giraffe rattle, so we keep it on the changing table to entertain her. It usually stays on the side of the table, over by the wall, but Leila is starting to grab things so often now, that I didn't even notice she'd moved it until she was giving it a hug!

I had some baking to do on Friday for my 2 wedding cake tastings on Saturday. Ryan was busy doing some work outside, so Leila spent time working with me in the kitchen. It was her first time baking and, I must say, she did a fabulous job!

On Saturday afternoon, we went out to Cousins Sammi, Charlie, and Gail's house to swim. Since we were going swimming, Leila was wearing a fun dress that's baggy enough to work as a swim cover up, and we decided to try out her fun sunglasses, too.

She put up with them really well until she was in her carseat, when she realized she could take the glasses off... and put them in her mouth. She's already got a mind of her own!

This was Leila's first time in a big pool, and we were surprised to see she didn't seem to mind it too much.
(I forgot to include that Aunt Renae is the one who captured this perfect smile!)

She also discovered her Deedee's finger and thought it made a great teething toy.

Here's Leila hanging out with Cousin Charlie.
Great face, huh? :)

And, here is a pic from Sunday afternoon. Leila's been a little sick this week, and her daddy felt pretty sick on Saturday night, so we all just stayed home and relaxed on Sunday. So, Leila's Nan came over and hung out with us for a while that afternoon. Here, Betsy decided to stay put long enough for Leila to say hello.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the haircut, Michele! Looks like you've got yourself one little water baby.
