Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day involved several firsts for us this year...
#1. It was Leila's First Thanksgiving!

#2. Our family ran/walked the Inagural Arlington Turkey Trot. It was a first for Arlington and a first for our Family, as well!
Leila and Ella both came out to get some excercise in the cold.

It started out by the Arlington Convention Center...

...and there were LOTS of people!

We had great views of several city sites, including...
Cowyboy Statium

Whatever this is

Ranger Stadium

And Six Flags.
(Obviously by the existence of these pictures, you can tell that I was running very quickly and making competive time. NOT!)

In fact, Leila started out in the stroller, but by the time the race actually started, this is how we ended up...
And this is how we walked the entire 5k. She even managed to take a little nap. We are so thankful for our Moby wrap and are thankful to "Aunt" Rachel for introducing us to it!

We were cold and tired and happy to see this sign after about 45 minutes. We were, however, hoping it was a MILE marker and not a marker for kilometer #2! (It was.)

Crossing the finish line at approximately 1 hour and 4 minutes. Aunt Christina set a new personal best for herself that day. Aunt Danielle ran well, too. But neither of them beat Uncle Jesse, who came in at 16 minutes, after walking the entire last section that you see in this picture (he started walking after noticing he had already passed the fifteen minute mark!)! They all did a great job and we are very proud of them for their commitment to excercising. I was very proud of myself as well, for walking the 3 miles carrying Leila and NOT coming in dead last! :)
We had  a great time and look forward to doing it again next year!

#3. We also spent Thanksgiving with Poppy's parents from Nebraska and his brother and sister-in-law from South Texas this year. It's not the first time we've been with them on Thanksgiving, but it IS the first time we've spent it here instead of in Nebraska! (Pictures to follow in the next post.)

1 comment:

  1. I love the 'whatever this is' picture!

    I'm so glad that you guys like the Moby. Katelyn and I actually used ours this week for about twenty minutes. She was in a very lovey mood and didn't want me to put her down, but I had to get dinner made. She cried and cried when I was putting it on, but then once she was in she was happy as a lark. I couldn't believe how content she was in there!
