We have attended two birthday parties in the last two weekends... both of them for super-fun girls!
The first one took us all the way to Lubbock, where we transported the birthday cake. We were so blessed that it traveled perfectly and required no repairs once we arrived!
Here's the invitation...
What a cutey!
And here's the cake...
I really liked the way this one turned out!
It was Leila's first time in a hotel, and she really seemed to enjoy it.

She loved our view and kept banging on the window when it started snowing.
This past weekend we helped Katelyn celebrate her second birthday.
Leila got to swing for the first time...
And she and Ian loved playing with Katelyn's set of Little People.
She also found a fabulous Elmo balloon to play with...
And, before we all left, we got the three birthday girls (Katelyn -2, Karsyn -1, Leila -11 mos) together in the matching dresses "Aunt" Rachel bought for them this time last year. It's hard to believe that they're already old enough to wear them!
(Note - these phtotos are proof that it's virtually impossible to get 3 babies under the age of 2 to sit still and look at the same camera with a nice face at the same time! :)
(Looking at the moon.)
(Not the best faces, but at least all looking in the same direction.)