Friday, February 18, 2011

Practicing with a Cup

We've started working on Leila's proficiency with her own big-girl cup.
She drinks really well...

But she also gets very excited about it and ends up moving the cup a bit too much...

....splashing water all over her face.
She also enjoys feeling the water with her hand.

It's a bit messy, but she seems pleased.


  1. I love that she is learning so many new things!! And, the last pic is definitely one of my favorite Leila faces...maybe because it is so uniquely her! =) Love you guys!

  2. I just wanted to say how smart you are to have already started her on the 'big girl cup'. We should have just skipped the sippy and gone straight to this step.

  3. I smile every time I look at these and never grow tired of them.
