Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Fourth of July Fireworks

Okay. So, I left my camera at Chad and Heather's house on Sunday, and still don't have it back, which means I don't have any pictures to post. I haven't even been able to take Leila's four-month-old picture yet! I should be getting it back tomorrow, and will have some pictures after that. I do have some video now, though, which will have to suffice for all of you family members out there.

On Saturday, we tried to get Leila to take a nap in her big girl bed. You know... working slowly up to a full night there. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out as we had planned.
Here's the video.
If she didn't know how to yell before, she certainly does now! (Btw, she's looking at her mobile.)

That night, Leila went to see fireworks for the first time. I was worried she might be afraid of the noise, but she didn't mind it, and she loved the lights. Here are some videos of that.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
And, if you just want to see some fireworks for some reason, here is a video of the finale. It was pretty good!

On Sunday, we tried another nap in her bed. When I came to check on her, I found her like this...
If you're wondering what the pink thing is, it's called a Noggin Nest (made by Boppy) and is supposed to help with flat head syndrome. We haven't had it very long, so we'll let you know if it helps with the slight flat spot we've found.

That night, we went to eat at "Aunt" Heather and "Uncle" Chad's house. Here's a little video from that.

After dinner, we went to shoot off fireworks at Chad's parents' house. Leila was outside for a while, until she started getting sleep and the fireworks were keeping her awake. So, Nan took her inside the house, which is where this video came from.

Videos of Fireworks
Video - The neighbors putting on a show that always shows us up every year
Video - Us shooting off fireworks
Video - We had a couple of shots that seemed to have short fuses and blew up close to the ground
Video - Ryan shooting off a 6+ year old bottle rocket (it worked!)
Video - Our Finale

Ryan did some more yard work on Monday, this time in the back yard. In this video, Ella is helping him.

Leila rolled over again on Tuesday. I got it on video.
I tried to get her to do it some more, but she wasn't very interested. Here's a video of her hanging out.
Then, Ryan came home, and she finally rolled over for him. It was the first time he's seen it! Here's that video.

She rolled over again several times today, too, so it looks like she's starting to get the hang of it.

    Leila has also permanently moved to her big girl bed. It makes me very sad to see the empty hushamok at night, but it was definitely time. Not only was she constantly sticking her feet out, but she discovered that she could pull the bedding up to cradle her head by pulling up on the sides of it.
    We knew this, and that's why we were slowly making the transition over. But, the transition was quickened Tuesday night, when Leila actually pulled the bedding up and covered her face with it. She was perfectly fine, but it scared me to death.
    So, she was plucked out of her comfort zone and plopped right into the deap end. She cried for an hour before she finally fell asleep Tuesday night, and the same thing happened for her nap yesterday. But, last night was better, and we trust it will just get better from here on out.
   It was definitely time to make the change, but it's still hard on me to be far away from her. I can't believe how much she's grown. Please pray for me, that I'll be able to handle the growing and the changes wisely. I know this is just the first of many.

1 comment:

  1. I will pray for you! Why don't you take the Husamok down? When we moved K to her room, it helped me to get our room back to normal quickly. I know everyone's different, though.
