Sunday, September 12, 2010

Breaking News

We are interrupting our blog schedule of Nebraska events for some current breaking news!

First, Leila is officially 6 months old as of this past Monday! Where has the time gone/!
We were eating dinner at my Aunt Judy and Uncle Mark's place on Monday, before we headed out to drive back home from Nebraska. We were all talking and stopped at once when we heard Leila say, as clear as day... Mama!!
Of course, now she says a lot of ma-ma-ma. But we definitely heard her say mama that first time!

On Wednesday we had our 6-month well-baby visit, and discovered Leila's stats have changed. She now weighs 14 lbs, 7 oz - 25th percentile, and measures 27.25 in - 95th percentile!
We also got the go-ahead to start Leila on solids, so Friday night was the first time Leila has eaten carrots! I have to get the pictures from Rebecca, but here is video 1 and video 2 of the momentous occasion.

Also, we went today and spent some time in Waxahachie with Aumt Renae and Uncle Brent, and Deedee and Grandfather. We have several fun pictures and videos to show, but the breaking news is that, on the way down there, we discovered this...

Look closer
We have a tiny tooth bud!!!

1 comment:

  1. That first picture is so adorable! Don't you love hearing 'mama'?
    And you know you were very sneaky with the title of your post!
