Friday, November 12, 2010

A Very Special Day

This story starts many years ago...
Thirteen years, to be exact.
It's had its ups and downs...
...many dips and curves along the way...
...yet it continues on.
And, in this ever-changing world...
I can say that there is a person on whom I can count to be steadfast...
...and forever giving.
I take a lot of things for granted in the midst of everyday life...
...but I know I am blessed beyond measure...
...with a life full of faithful friends...
...and loving family...
...both here and gone on ahead.
But I am especially to have a husband who is reliable...
...and who loves me (which we all know can be difficult at times!).
On this special day, celebrating the 5-year anniversary of a wonderful beginning, I am more blessed now than I could've imagined. And, I'd just like to say "thank-you" to my wonderful husband...
for our beautiful past, our incredible present, and our unimaginable future.
I can't wait to see what lies ahead, and I feel so blessed that I get to experience it all with you.
Thank you for all you do for our family... for how hard you work and all that you give to us... for allowing me to stay home with our daughter... for encouraging me and supporting me in my endeavors... and for helping to make our dreams come true. We have a long way to go, but, I have no doubt that if we're together, we'll eventually get there.
You are a blessing and it is an honor to be your wife.
I love you! And Happy 5th Anniversary!

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