Day 2 of our Michigan trip started out with Leila's Nan coming in to gather her up, so that I was able to sleep late. It was such a blessing, since I was completely exhausted. So, Leila spent time with her Great-Grandma...
And her Great-Grandpa...
And she played in the walker my Aunt Kim was able to borrow for her...
Leila got hungry, and I had a bag of milk left over from the plane ride, so Great-Grandma fed Leila
And rocked her to sleep
Then Leila played with my little cousins, Kasy
And Rory
They seemed to really enjoy having a baby around, and doted on her the entire trip.
That night, Leila took her first bath in her new big-girl ducky tub, and she seemed to LOVE it!
It was quite the show, and everyone came to watch...
Then, after my grandparents and Leila went to sleep, it was time for us girls to have some fun. Danielle started showing off how high she could move her ponytail and decided to show us she could do it to our hair as well.

We were tired and it was HILARIOUS!

(This is me on the floor laughing at Rebecca's hair)
(Aren't we pretty?)
We had gone to their fun grocery store, called Meijer, and we found the most ginormous marshmallows!
These pics are great! Alyssa and I have so much fun when we're together...I can't imagine how hilarous it would be if we had another sister or two.