Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Here are a couple of videos that should have been included in my last post.

Here's a video from last Monday when Leila was spending a little time in the swing. We haven't been pushing down the plastic tray all the way because she's not usually very active when she's in it. But, she discovered, on Monday, that she can kick the tray up. I didn't get it on video, but just minutes later, she had the tray stuck standing all the way up! I guess we'll have to be a bit more careful from now on!

Here are some videos from Ryan's birthday dinner at my parents' house last weekend.
This video is of Leila spending time with her Poppy and Uncle Jesse.
This is a video of Leila dancing with Poppy.

Now, for new stuff...

On Wednesday, Leila started smiling at the pretty baby in the mirror.

Leila also spent some time talking with Ryan that afternoon. She seemed to be having such a good time that we had to get some of it on video.
Video 1
Video 2

Thursday was Ryan's birthday, and Leila gave him a birthday card, just from her. She's been drooling a lot lately, and chewing on pretty much everything, including the envelope to Ryan's birthday card. She makes it look very yummy.
We also caught a bit of it on video, here.

    On Saturday (yesterday), Leila attended her first wedding. She normally wakes up pretty peacefully, so we weren't worried when she fell asleep on the way to the wedding. We figured she would start fussing a bit if she woke up and was unhappy, and we'd take her out of her car seat, and everything would be fine. That's the way we normally do things when we're in church, and there's not been a time yet that she's made a scene. But, Saturday was the day all that changed. She started waking up in her seat, so Ryan took her out of it. It was at that point that she decided she was going to cry... loudly. Luckily, they were at a point in the wedding where they were showing a photo montage of the bride and groom, and "Uncle" Jeremy was singing. So, it wasn't as noticeable as it could've been. It was noticeable enough, though, and I took her out of the sanctuary. After that, she didn't make another peep!
     After the ceremony, we went to the reception, where Leila met one of her Deedee's very good friends, Kimberly Dortch. This was the first time Kimberly has met Leila, so we made sure to get some pictures. (Ryan was in charge of taking the pics, so I apologize for how few there are Kim. Hopefully Alyssa got better ones!)
Leila was missing her nap-time to be at the wedding, so she was a bit fussy. But, Kimberly had the touch and put her right to sleep.

    Later that night, we had our friends Chad and Heather over to help celebrate Ryan's birthday. Ryan cooked salmon on the grill for everyone (except me, because seafood grosses me out) and then we went to see the new Karate Kid movie. (Ryan and I are both big fans of the original, and we both loved the new one and would highly recommend it!)

    Nan and Poppy came over and watched Leila while we were gone. She slept most of the time, but did wake up right before we got home. Nan said Leila was very hungry and, miraculously, Poppy got her to take a bottle with almost no trouble at all! (I have no idea how this was done, because I haven't been able to get her to take one in months.) This is very exciting and we're hoping that it makes it a little easier for me to leave the house, knowing that Leila won't starve while I'm gone.
    When we got home, we noticed that Leila's hair had taken on a life of it's own while we were gone.
Be Aware: Hair in the picture actually sticks out more than may appear in the photo!

This last picture is also from last night. Leila is growing too long for many of her onesies, so we've started pulling out some new ones for her to wear. She wore a pretty Strawberry Shortcake one for the first time, so we had to take a picture.
Sadly, this one is already a bit tight, and probably won't be wearable for long. Lucky for her, she christened it well with a diaper blow-out early this morning. :)

 Today, after I put Leila in a new onesie, she discovered the picture on the front of it.


  1. Katelyn used to do the same thing with the swing tray!
    I was able to video about 10 seconds of the song Jer sang (before K decided she needed to help me), and when I went back and watched it today I noticed that L's little cry is on there. How funny!

  2. That is funny! I wonder if they had a videographer, because I'm sure they would've caught it, too! Aren't we lucky that the first time she chooses to freak out when waking up from a nap, she decides to do it where there are multiple video cameras? :)
