Saturday, May 8, 2010

2-Month Birthday

Well, I've already posted the Farm Friends smile, but I didn't post any video. After I caught the smile on camera, I tried the rest of the day to get it on video, but only got half-smiles, at best. It is some cute video, though, so here it is.
Video 1
Video 2
Also, here is some video from the other day with Leila and her pink giraffe rattle.
Video 1
Video 2
On Wednesday, Leila had her 2-month well-baby doctor's visit and we got her new measurements.
At 2 months, Leila...
Weighs 11 lbs. 3 ozs. (75th percentile)
Measures 23.5 inches long (90th percentile)
Since birth, she has gained 3 lbs. 2 ozs. and grown 4.25 inches!!

She also got several vaccinations in the form of 3 shots and 1 drinkable medicine. She seemed pretty sore on Wednesday night, and cried every time we moved her into a different position while holding her. Luckily, by the time she woke up for her 4 a.m. feeding, she seemed to be feeling much better. We haven't had any side effects since then.

Another thing of note...
Leila squealed at me that morning. She was stretching her vocal cords and let out 2 squeals! Unfortunately, I didn't have the video camera (something that won't happen again!) and, although I've tried and tried, I haven't been able to get her to do it again. But, when she does, I'll be ready.
I was able to go out with some girlfriends last night to see the movie Babies, and I had a great time. Since I was going out, we didn't have a chance to take her 2-month birthday photo until today. So, here she is...
Thank you, Aunt Renae, for such a cute dress! It's so comfy, too.

Here are a few more shots we liked.
Leila's puppy always seems to make it into the pictures. She just can't get enough of her baby!

I mentioned Leila is getting grabby, right? She discovered the bottom of her dress today.
She looked like she was trying to see what was underneath her dress, but the pictures we missed were of her trying to put the dress into her mouth!
The other day, I posted a pic of the new resident of our mail basket in our entryway. Well, I discovered a new one, today.
Becca's cat, Betsy, apparently likes the basket, too.
Here's a quick interesting update.
Last night, Leila woke up twice and fussed a bit. I usually try to wait to pick her up until she starts to cry, so I waited. She ended up putting herself back to sleep both times!! That's a first, and I am so proud of her! She seems to grow and learn something new each day. It's truly remarkable!

Tonight, Ryan and I went to dinner with Leila by ourselves for the first time since she was born. We went to Outback Steakhouse to use a giftcard we had received as a shower gift. (It was also good at Carabba's, which I would've preferred, but wasn't brave enough to attempt yet. It's got a low-lit, quiet, dining-by-the-fireside atmosphere.) It turns out that we could've gone to Carabba's after all. We were able to sit, order, eat, and leave without Leila waking up! It was quite a success!

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