Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Learning to Be Content

So, here's what's going on with us.

I've been getting a bit frustrated about the way the mail ends up on the kitchen table and seems to find a home there. So, I went looking through the house for a basket we could put in the entryway to house the mail until it is opened and discarded or finds another home. I didn't realize I'd be creating a home for something else, as well.
Isn't he such a funny cat?

Last week, Leila received a special gift from a retired Navy Chief Ryan used to work with and his wife. They sent her an adorable blue dress that will fit her later this year, and a soft pink giraffe rattle. We've tried getting Leila's attention with toys before, and it hasn't worked very well up until the last week or so. But, out of everything we've tried so far, that rattle seems to be the favorite. (Thank you very much Jose and Moire!)

Here's a video of Leila talking a bit again. Just ignore it if you're getting bored. But, for all of you family that would watch hours of this stuff, this is for you. (Click on the bright pink link above.)

We're putting this picture in because Leila's daddy thought it was funny and needed to be captured on film.
Leila's hair can get a little crazy sometimes. :)

Isn't this just the cutest little face you've ever seen?

These are some pictures of Leila learning to be content - something she's starting to get so much better at. Some days I can put her down, get into and out of the shower, AND get dressed without her ending up in tears first!
I'm really hoping that Leila learns contentedness earlier than I have. I still struggle with it all the time. My goal is to be "content whatever the circumstances" (Phil 4:11). I have yet to get anywhere close to this goal.
This is coming up now because I have recently learned that I did not get enough financial aid and will not start nursing school this month. I do plan on continuing to pursue my RN's license. It is my goal and I'm not giving up. I'll just have to find another way to get there. It may not be my ideal choice, but my ideal is no longer an option, so I must come up with a plan B. (Right now, plan B is to look into the community college options.)
On the bright side, I won't be able to get into any programs earlier than next spring, and this means that I will have the rest of this year to spend with my precious little girl! I am disappointed and unsure of many things right now, but I am thrilled that I get to spend Leila's first year focusing on her, without the pressures of nursing school. I truly believe that God knows exactly what I can handle and what is best for me, and I trust that I'll get where I'm going, in His time. (I just wish I knew what, when, and how it will all take place!)

Friday night was spent working on cakes. This is just the second week that I've taken orders and I only had 3 to do, but those 3 kept me up pretty late. Part of the reason was that I had an order for a mad hatter style of cake. It is the 3rd one I've done, and I get a little faster and a little better each time. Here is a picture of it.
On Sunday morning, we went to church and Leila was able to hear her daddy play the drums for the first time. I wanted to get a picture, but Leila ended up asleep in her car seat too quickly after church ended, and we didn't want to wake her. I'll have to make sure I get one next time!
Sunday afternoon, we went to eat with Nan and Poppy and then went over to their old house. It will probably be the last time we will see it while we still have the ability to go inside, so we decided to take one last look. We, of course, had to get a picture of Leila with her Nan and Poppy at the house I'll remember as the last and longest home I had with my parents.

(Attention. There are bright pink links to video below!)
This afternoon, Leila and I had a fun reading time again.
Her Deedee gave her a book called Farm Friends. She paid attention to the whole book, but lit up with a smile when we got to the page with the duckies. (She did this two different times when I showed her that page, but I failed to get a picture both times. I intend to keep trying, though!)
Doesn't she look like she's reading this book all by herself?! I promise that I did not pose this picture!

Aunt Danielle bought Leila some new board books by Sam McBratney, the author of Guess How Much I Love You. Leila loved You're All My Favorites.

I tried to get some good video of the last book we read today. It was another Sam McBratney book, Let's Play in the Snow. We got through a couple of pages before Leila decided she was done for the day.

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