Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Changes, Changes, and more Changes

Today, Leila spent some time on her tummy mat. I don't usually record much of it yet, because she spends a lot of the time being upset. But, today, she held her head up higher than I've seen before, so I had to grab the camera to capture it. Unfortunately, the video doesn't show very well how high she actually held her head. She lifted it up so high that she was looking at herself in the mirror in front of her. It was great! Here's the video.
I was talking to Aunt Rebecca about how Leila seemed to find her voice overnight and Rebecca jokingly mentioned how mad she would be if Leila decided to roll over this week, while she is house-sitting for someone and wouldn't be here to see it. I thought it was funny, but, after seeing Leila's growth over the last two days, I honestly wouldn't be a bit surprised if she did!

Then, she spent some time practicing her fine motor skills by laying on her back on her mat and trying to grab the toys that hang above her. She, again, did a great job. Here's that video.

After her daddy got home from work, we decided that today would be a good day for Leila to try out her swimming pool for the first time (we just got her swim diaper in the mail last week.)
She wasn't a big fan of laying on her back in the pool, even in the area where there was almost no water. I guess she doesn't exactly feel safe there, which, who can really blame her? But, she didn't seem to mind it as long as she was sitting or laying on her tummy. I wouldn't say she really enjoys it yet, but, I'm sure she'll get there!
Ella was ready to play after Ryan splashed her with water.
Wasn't it sweet of Lt. Gibbons (from Ryan's work) to give Leila her first swimsuit and baby pool?
(For those who like video, here's Leila's first swim. This one is another long one, so prepare yourselves.)

After she went swimming, it was bathtime again. Tonight, for the first time, we used the bestest baby towel ever! It matches Leila's bedding and it is huge and oh-so-warm.
We are so grateful to my former boss and good friend, Debbie, for such a beautiful gift!

When she is hungry, Leila has started rubbing her face in the chest of whomever is holding her. If she is laying on her back instead of being held, Leila has taken to rubbing the back of her head back and forth against whatever she is laying on. In doing so, she has created some knaps in the back of her hair, and has started to rub some of it off. As a result, I am paying much more attention to the back of her hair, and have recently noticed that, on top of many wonderful qualities that she inherited from her daddy, she also inherited this one...
Isn't it such a cute little rat-tail? Needless to say, Leila got her first hair cut today, at 11 weeks old. :)
(FYI: I know you don't inherit a rat-tail. It's just sounds cuter that way!)

In order to get Leila in a position to safely cut her hair, I needed her sitting and still. I put her on my knee and asked Ryan to come over and hold her still from the front. As we were getting ready to do this, we noticed she was watching TV (something she has started doing only since last week). I don't want her watching TV anyway, but really don't want her watching what we noticed was on the television...
In case you can't tell, it's Keeping Up with the Kardashian's (ugh!). We don't even watch that show, but it had come on while we were both pre-occupied. We, of course, turned it off right after this picture was taken!


  1. Leila looks like she's going to be a pool girl! Where did you guys get her swim diaper from? I'm guessing it's a reusable one?

  2. Yeah. I couldn't find any disposables small enough, plus, it's such a waste anyway. So, I ordered it online. It's from the Bummis brand of cloth diaper. I want to say it was about $15 with shipping. This, and one other brand got the best reviews that I found. Let me know and I'll send you the info.

  3. Yeah, send it to me! We had the same problem with swim diapers being huge last year. Actually, we're still able to use last year's pack now.

  4. Two things I have to say:
    1) I love that you are keeping up with tummy time even though she doesn't like's a necessity!
    2) I love all the videos!

    I couldn't watch the swimming one because it said it was removed bc it was too long. I was bummed!

  5. Thanks for the comments!
    Donna and Renae mentioned to me, tonight, that any video that's over 10 minutes long gets cut off. So, I'll make sure and keep them under 10 minutes from now on!
