Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Been a While

Okay, okay. For all of you who mentioned it today, here you go... a new Leila blog!

We'll start with Wednesday. The Gap has been having a sale for the last 4 weeks where, if you had their coupons, on Wednesdays, you received 40% a single item at regular price. So, we made another trek out to the Galleria to look and see what they had that we could get at a 40% discount. This was the first opportunity she's had to where this cute little number...

On Thursday, Rebecca spent some "auntie time" with Leila (while I got a few extra minutes of sleep). She decided Leila was ready to try out her bumbo, all on her own. We tried it out once last week, but I made sure to keep my hands by Leila's head, just in case. Rebecca, on the other hand, felt like Leila was ready for the big leagues. Here is what transpired...
Crazy Eyes!
A bit of a bobble.
A bit of a wobble.
Whoa! Crazy eyes, again!
"Hey! Get me outta here!"

Leila woke up on Monday morning with diarrhia. She was in a bit of a cranky mood until early afternoon, when she seemed to be fine. Even thought she was all smiles, she did continue to have diarrhia through the next afternoon, so I gave the pediatrician a call. They told us to buy an over-the-counter probiotic, called Culturel, and to give her the powder once a day in a bit of milk until the diarrhia was gone. After a few days of this, I realized just how much fun feeding her solids is going to be (and just why all of those bibs are necessary items!)
And this was with a medicine dropper! Just imagine what it will be like with a spoon!

On Friday afternoon, Grandfather came over to babysit for a while so that I could work on cakes. Ryan had mentioned that he and Leila might take a trip to the mall, so we had to make sure she was dressed for her outting. Luckily, we bought this super-cute shirt at BabyGap on Wednesday, and she had her new owl hair clippie to wear, too!
They ended up not making the trip to the mall, but she did really well. They hung out at the house and she slept off and on for Grandfather while he was here.

Here, we have some bathtime fun. Leila has now gotten to the point where she enjoys her baths, and usually doesn't even cry while she gets dressed anymore. Here is the tail-end of a smile.
These pictures (above and below) are what we call doing the "froggie" in the tub. Even when she didn't like baths very much, she didn't seem to mind doing the "froggie". I guess she just felt more comfortable on her tummy, and I had to figure out a way to wash her back and booty without the use of an extra pair of helping hands. This seems to work really well for us.

Bathtime is over. Let's dry off!

On Saturday afternoon, Leila was getting sleepy, so I put her in her hushamok to take a nap. She cried for about 5 minutes and then quieted down and fell asleep...on her own!! This is a first for us, and I was so proud of her. Of course, it only lasted 20-30 minutes before she woke up crying because of a burp that needed to come out, but it was still a start!

Last night, Ryan spent some time hanging out with Leila before she went to bed. At first, she was practicing her sitting-up technique, but she eventually noticed her feet and looked like she was determined to get them into her mouth!

Here's a video of Leila from this morning. I had dressed her for church, and she decided she thought her new outfit looked like it might taste yummy.

Today was a day of greeting new people. These are people that may have seen Leila before, but she probably hasn't actually met, since she used to spend so much time sleeping. :)
Here, Leila is saying hello to baby Katelyn's Grandpa, Terry. Her Grandma Connie came up just a minute later, but Leila's Nan had already stolen her off to greet some other people!
She also saw some other friends at church today: Ian and Preston Ortiz and their mommy, Tara; baby Karsyn's Aunt Staci; "Aunt" Alyssa; "Aunt" Rachel and baby Katelyn; and our Pastor Joy. Unfortunately, by the time we saw these friends, Leila was unhappy and in no mood to take pictures. I guess we'll have to try again next time!

We made a quick pit-stop to Ryan's Great-Aunt Gwen's house in Arlington on our way home. His Second-Cousin once-removed (I think?) just graduated from high school, and the family was getting together to celebrate. Below, Leila is meeting the graduate's mom, Second-Cousin Marsha.
She did happen to meet Great-Aunt Gwen and Great-Uncle Charles, Second-Cousin Ron, and Second-Cousin Leigh-Ann, but, again, she was so tired and overwhelmed by all of the people and the noise that she was in no mood for pictures. (Not, pretty ones, at least!) Her daddy ended up taking her to a back room where they were alone, and she quickly fell asleep. I'm sure we'll have another chance to get some good photos in. Leila just might be a few months older before it actually happens!

On the way home, Leila was a little fussy, so I got out her Olivia doll, which always seems to help. She was cracking me up after I noticed she seemed to be trying to play with her doll... using her feet! I got a little video. (Please forgive me if it's too bumpy. We were driving at the time.)

This evening, Leila was sleepy, and went down for a nap when we got home from the graduation party. She woke back up around 6 p.m., when I gave her her bath and fed her. She fell back asleep around 7:30 and I put her in her hushamok, where she has been ever since. It is now 1:33 a.m., and she has not yet woken up! She has fussed a little here and there, and I keep expecting her to wake up to eat, but it hasn't happened yet. I figure she probably will wake up at her usual time to eat, between 3:30 and 4:30 a.m., but I'm okay with that. She's slept for so long! I know I probably can't expect her to do this from now on, but it's wonderful to see what we're working towards! I'm so proud of her!

Quick update, Leila woke up at 2 a.m. to eat and is now back in bed asleep at 3. Yea!

1 comment:

  1. Those gold sandals are great! Good sleep is even better, though. Way to go Leila and Mommy!
