Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Answer

Well, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything may be 42, but we've recently learned that the answer to a happier, less fussy Leila is freedom from taking the medicine that treats thrush. She has now been medicine-free since last Wednesday (6 full days), and she seems to have blossomed. She, of course, is by no means perfect, and each day still holds it's share of tears and frustration. But now, we are also experiencing a bit of peace, and some beautiful smiles!

Where she used to have to be held all day long, even while sleeping, she is now content to spend a little time in her bouncy seat or laying in her bed or on the boppy. Every day seems to bring something new, and we are truly enjoying it!

Since our last post, here is what has happened...

I bought Leila 2 new board books with pages that only have pictures in all black or white.

We spent some time looking at them last Friday and they seemed to be a huge hit.
Video Below

Saturday was a busy day. Leila's Daddy helped Nan and Poppy with their garage sale. They are selling all kinds of things since they are moving into their nice new house this week.
Then, we went to our friend Ian's birthday party (the first one Leila has ever attended!) and, afterwards, we spent some time at Deedee and Grandfather's house. What a time we had!

Aunt Renae and Uncle Brent came over, and Daddy rode Uncle Brent's motorcycle. It took a little coaxing, but we finally got Daddy into a helmet. Doesn't he look cool?

Then, Leila started getting a little fussy, but Uncle Brent snapped her up and put her into some kind of a trance. She hung out in his arms this way for quite a while, then he proceeded to pass her around to the rest of the family.

Sunday afternoon brought some fun time playing with the friendly snail and fly on Leila's bouncy seat.

Saturday morning, Daddy was gone and Aunt Rebecca was at work, so Leila and I were alone when she decided to grace me with the biggest grin I've seen on her face up to this point (awake, at least. She smiles a lot in her sleep!) I actually had the camera in my hand, but didn't even think about taking a picture until the smile was gone. :(
On Sunday, Leila was throwing smiles at Aunt Rebecca during a diaper change, but
even with all the smiling going on, it wasn't captured on camera until this morning (Monday). While Daddy was getting ready for work, Leila decided to give us a show.
(Zoomed In)
Totally worth waiting for!!!

This afternoon, Leila and I took a trip to Nan and Poppy's new house, where Nan showed Leila her new room.

Today was Aunt Rebecca's 21st birthday (Happy Birthday!!) and she was in the mood for Italian food for dinner, so we took our first trip to the Olive Garden. Leila was hungry before we left the house, but before she could settle down to eat, she felt the need to stretch.

(I have some other great videos to post, but can't find the cord to load them onto the computer from the video camera. I'll check with Ryan and try to get them posted tomorrow. Leila's really started "talking" lately, and I've been able to get a bit of it on camera!)

1 comment:

  1. Those smiles are super sweet! Don't feel bad for not capturing that big one on camera...it just means you were enjoying the moment.
    I'm so glad that Leila is getting more enjoyment out of life now that she is sans medicine.
    Is that a Tana Hoban board book? My kindergarteners always liked her books.
