Monday, April 12, 2010

Cats and Naps

Yesterday was a fun day. We went to Nan and Poppy's house for the very first time since Leila was born. It's a good thing we did, because they'll be moving in the next month, and there won't be many more chances to see it.

We made the trip over there to clear some of our stuff out of their garage, and we ate Sunday lunch with them, too. After lunch was over, we all went back into the living room, where we discovered that Leila had temporarily lost her carseat to a new friend...
This is Nan's cat, Cali. She is one of the sweetest cats we've ever met, and, apparently, she found the car seat quite appealing. She spent the entire afternoon there, even as the seat was moved across the room from the couch to the floor!

On another note, the week we came home with her, we discovered that Leila has thrush. She's been taking medicine for it since she was just over a week old. We had her one-month well-baby visit last week, and it still isn't totally gone, so she's been put on a new medicine to take for 14 days. We are currently on day 6.
The side effects of both medicines were basically the same - nausea, diarrhea, and other fun gastro-intestinal issues. The first medicine didn't seem to do much other than upset her tummy a little bit, and maybe make her a little gassy. The new medicine, on the other hand, has given her some quite explosive poopy. We've had several blow-outs recently, and, today, I changed one that was the color of a green apple! All of this to say, she's been a little extra cranky lately - especially at night. She's staying up later, which means we are too. Luckily, Leila and I can sleep a little late in the mornings to make up for it.

Aunt Rebecca came in to say good morning, today, and this is what she found...
Try to focus on the cute baby and not on the sleeping mommy, please!

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is adorable! Sleeping baby/sleeping parent pictures are so sweet. I love the header pic, too.
    Hopefully, you guys will be able to completely kick the thrush with this round of meds!
