Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beds, Books, and Bonding

Yesterday was quite a day.
First of all, we tried out a new place for Leila to spend time while I shower. Up to this point, we had tried the hushamok, the boppy, and the swing, and met without success. After I noticed that she seemed to get quiet around running water, I thought she might enjoy hanging out in the bathroom. She still doesn't have the neck control for the bumbo yet, but, we were given a small portable bed at one of our showers, so I thought we could give it a try. I put a towel down on the floor and put Leila in the bed on top of it.
Here are the results...
She stayed content like this until after I finished showering and was getting dressed. I'd say it was a success!

While Leila was happy during her awake time (usually the majority of the time between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. each day), I also tried putting her in her bed for the very first time. She seemed to like it and looked all around, especially at her bedding and the branches painted on the walls of her room.

Leila's daddy got off of work early and didn't have to work at any of his extra jobs! This means that he actually got to spend some extra time with Leila. She may not have been totally aware that he was there, but it sure looked like she was enjoying having him around.

(Please pardon the quality of the next few photos. They were taken with a phone, but were just too cute not to post.)
Last night, Leila's Nan, Poppy, and Aunt Danielle came over for a visit. While they were here, she spent some quality time with Poppy...
...and listened while Nan and Aunt Danielle read her the "Peter Cottontail" book she got from her Deedee and Grandfather in her Easter basket...
...and then, after being put to bed, she tried to escape from her swaddle blanket.

What a day!!

Today, Deedee and Grandfather came over and we all took a walk in the park in their pretty stroller. Then, Ryan took Ella to a different park to play, and Leila and I went to watch. Leila was content in her Moby, wearing the new sunhat we gave her in her Easter basket. (The red one is still a bit too big.) She went ahead and wore her sunhat on the ride home, too, and, as usual, she began to show her distaste for her car seat almost as soon as she was strapped in. For once, though, her pacifier actually pacified her and she was just so cute that we had to take a picture!


  1. Glad you were able to find a spot Leila likes while you get ready. Don't you feel like a genius when you figure out what works for your baby?!
    The Swaddle Bust pic is great, too. Every night we would listen to Katelyn grunting in the monitor while she tried to free her hands from her SwaddleMe. It cracked us up.

  2. You are figuring things out!! You really are such a good mommy! =) The pictures are all too cute...she is so expressive! I love the ones with dad. He was made to be a grandpa!!

    Love you guys...

  3. Yeah. It's rediculous that I feel like a genius when I figure out the smallest thing, like Leila isn't just being fussy for no reason, but actually hates being strapped into her carrier. Every new little thing I learn about her makes me feel so much more competent and less stressed.

    It's hilarious that Katelyn grunted when trying to escape from being swaddled. Leila grunts and squirms all the time right after she's put down, but I never even considered there might be a purpose to it!
